
The Shivers

Created by Andy Logan

Enter the world of The Shivers family with this one-of-a-kind, 3D pop-up, haunted house adventure — brought to life on Kickstarter with over $576,000 raised and six additional stretch goals unlocked! Featuring an easy-to-learn system with extensive replayability, this unique experience will provide hours of entertainment for 2-5 players ages 7 and up. While exploring the haunted halls of Fogmoor Manor filled with magic, mystery, and wonder, players will look for clues, find helpful items, solve puzzles, and work together to vanquish fiendish foes. You'll enjoy amazing adventures in this immersive storytelling world created with the spellbinding synergy of game design by Andy Logan, spooktacular illustrations by Bill Tiller, and the ingenious paper engineering of Renee Jablow.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Important update on the new Kickstarter: Triple Terror! New artwork sneak peek, PLUS: introducing Andy's Designer Diary on BGG
about 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 10:23:08 AM

Launch Update for New Kickstarter Expansions

Hi Shivers fans, hope you've been enjoying diving into Fogmoor Manor! Has anyone decoded the hidden message on the Parlor's rug yet? A quick update on our new Kickstarter expansions plan, we're going to delay launch a few months. 

Originally we were thinking April seemed like a good month, but some life events have happened that are commanding our full attention at the moment. So we're going to push back a few months until we can better focus, and we'll keep you posted about when the new date is established.

So many of you have mentioned your support and excitement for the new campaign and expansions, and we really appreciate hearing from you! Don't worry, we'll get back on track soon. In the meantime, here's a quick sneak peek at some of Bill's amazing new artwork for the upcoming expansions!

Sneak Peek: the Ominous Observatory pop-up room

Our next expansion will feature 3 mind-bogglingly awesome new pop-up rooms. This one is called the Ominous Observatory. Can you guess which classic movie inspired the visual theme of this room? 

It will be a double-wide room, like the Parlor, and features an enormous viewing window to see the constellations over Fogmoor Cove, or some UFOs in the sky, or a suspicious ship out in the harbor, or whatever our writing team conjures up for their episodes!

Complete with telescope, orrery, and much more!

Pretty cool, huh? We can't wait to show you the rest. Fans of a certain mid-'90s PC game might recognize Bill Tiller's unique cloud style in particular. 

For those of you who haven't followed our Pre-Launch page yet, please visit and click that green Notify Me button!

Introducing Andy's Designer Diary, posted on BGG!

When Andy talks to fans at conventions, the most common question is "How did you come up with this idea?" It's a great question, and a great story. If you're curious about the inspiration behind The Shivers, the process of crowdfunding or game development, and the myriad of hurdles/pitfalls/global chaos encountered along the way, you might enjoy reading the Designer Diary.

Here's a link to Installment #1 on Board Game Geek, we'll post new installments in the coming months. In this first part of the Diary, learn how Andy and Heather's daughters played a key role in inspiring the game, a strange message from a psychic, and the significance of the mysterious Bars and Ovals.

A page from Andy's sketchbook, chock-full of game ideas mentioned in the Designer Diary

Need some Shivers accessories? Our online store is open!

As you've been playing, you might be thinking some extra magnifying glasses or dry-erase markers might be useful. Our website has a full selection of Shivers accessories to enhance your gaming group's experience. For those Core Game backers, you might want to snap up the 2 Expansion Packs while supplies last!

Visit to get official Shivers accessories and expansions!

That's it for this update, Shivers fans. We've absolutely loved seeing your family's game pix on social media, so if you find Fogmoor Manor unfurled on your game table this month, be sure to post a picture and tag us @TheShiversGame . Have a wonderful Spring!

- The Shivers Team

Have you been enjoying The Shivers? We'd love to hear from you! PLUS: new Kickstarter April launch window!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 08:39:32 AM

Have you had a chance to play The Shivers yet? Tell us your thoughts!

Hello Shivers fans, hope your new year is getting off to a magical start. For those of you who have started to venture into Fogmoor Manor, we're curious to hear about your Shivers experiences! Feel free to weigh in on any of the topics below, via the comment section on this update:

  • What series/episode have you made it to so far? 
  • Has anyone made it all the way into the 2 expansion packs?
  • Which player characters have you enjoyed playing the most?
  • Has anyone created a unique character they'd like everyone to know about?
  • Have your adventures generated any hilarious outcomes, anecdotes, or unexpected twists?
  • Have you tried playing our spooky Spotify playlist during your game? 
  • What are you enjoying about the game?
  • What are you finding challenging about the game?
  • Any suggestions for what you'd like to see in our new Kickstarter? (Besides 3 new expansions)
  • Or if you're feeling particularly adventurous, write a review on our BGG page 
  • Of course, we'd love to see photos/video. Feel free to tag us @TheShiversGame on social media.  

Some of you have emailed us with very heartfelt stories about your family's enjoyment of the game.

A couple of our backers  even made this awesome podcast about their thoughts on the game, if you'd like to go deep into how The Shivers sits at the perfect intersection between RPG, tabletop game, and escape room. 

What, a new Kickstarter? Yes, launching this April!

That's right, as we announced in our last update, the Triple Terror Kickstarter campaign will be bringing THREE new expansions to life. These will feature three incredible new pop-up rooms, twelve new episodes written by new writing partners, and a host of clues, monsters, puzzles, and surprises. If we fund, these expansions would ship to you in time for Halloween 2024!

Just click this link and then click on the green NOTIFY ME button to follow our campaign page, and Kickstarter will alert you as soon as our campaign goes live in April.

OK Shivers fans that's it for this week. Some cool new things to look forward to: a host of new reviews coming from your favorite media personalities, glimpses of new prototypes and artwork from the new expansions, and even a designer diary that Andy has been compiling since this game first took shape almost 5 years ago. Hope to see you @TheShiversGame !

- The Shivers Team

BIG News For 2023: THREE New Shivers Expansions (which you can help make happen)!!!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 05, 2023 at 02:52:16 AM

Dearest Shivers fans: Happy New Year!

Well, 2022 was certainly a wild ride. Despite an impressive obstacle course of production and logistical challenges, our team managed to pull off a photo finish by delivering The Shivers to our backers around the world. Phew! 

We hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and kicked off the New Year in style with a great game night. Now that 2023 is officially upon us, it’s time for our next big reveal:

OMG! New Shivers expansions coming to Kickstarter!

That's right, either we didn't learn our lesson the first time, or we feel the world needs MORE spooky pop-up magical mystery fun. Coming in Spring of 2023, our new Triple Terror Kickstarter campaign will be geared towards funding THREE new expansion packs, featuring amazing new pop-up rooms, a dozen new episodes by crafty guest writers, new/harder puzzles, hidden clues, cunning creatures, playable characters, and some very cool bonus surprises! We've already started development on the new pop-up rooms, which we'll be revealing soon. 

But we need your support to make it happen, here's how:

Click that green Notify Me button now. Thanks!

Please visit our Kickstarter page and click the Notify Me button. This will just let Kickstarter know that you'd like to be notified via email when our new campaign launches in the Spring. Thank you dear backers, we can't do it without your support!

You may be asking, "But I just got the game, why now?" Well, most of our current episodes were written over 2 years ago, and during that time we've been hatching some amazing ideas for the world of The Shivers. Based off our experience developing and manufacturing the core game, we think it will take about 18 months to deliver these new expansions. So if you feel like you'd like to see some new Shivers adventures sometime around Halloween of 2024, then this is your chance to help make it happen! 

 Some initial feedback from our backers and fans:

We LOVE hearing our fans' first impressions when they've played The Shivers. Here's a few heart-warming excerpts that really fill us with renewed passion to pursue our future plans:

That's it for this week, Shivers fans! Wishing you all the best in 2023. Be sure to check us out on social media @TheShiversGame to share your Shivers thoughts and photos! And from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for for being with us every step of the way. 

Lots of love from Heather and Andy Logan

- The Shivers Team

Happy Holidays from The Shivers! And an IMPORTANT VIDEO to watch before you play with your pop-ups.
over 1 year ago – Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 02:35:42 AM

We hope your holidays are filled with love and pop-ups!

Almost all of our backers have now received their games (just a few still waiting in Canada and the EU). We hope you get a chance to play The Shivers during the holidays with your family, friends, and whoever else drops by the game table. Thank you for your patience with our campaign and with our shipping, AND we're excited to be making some big announcements in the New Year!

Help, Shivers creators Andy and Heather are trapped in the Parlor! Show us your Shivers pics @TheShiversGame

Before you open your pop-ups, watch this video:

It shows how to avoid any damages to your pop-up rooms, and simple repairs. 

Curious what is supposed to come in your Deluxe game?

Check out this great Shivers Unboxing video from our Aussie friends at HP Gaming. It shows all the individual components of the Deluxe game in fine detail. 

And remember, visit for tons of great Shivers resources, videos, downloads, spooky musical playlists, and accessories. Lots of love and holiday cheer from sunny California. :)

- The Shivers Team

Watch this IMPORTANT VIDEO: How to care for your pop-up rooms. Plus: Dice Tower's hillarious Shivers play-through video
over 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 07:12:20 PM

Here's a quick video on caring for your pop-ups

Thousands of Shivers games are now being opened around the world... yay! However a small handful of you have contacted us about issues with their pop-up rooms. This is super frustrating, but not totally unexpected as pop-ups have a certain amount of hand-built variability in their construction. Glue can do strange things when stuck in a box for several months. To help out, here is a 10-minute video of how to care for, and even make minor repairs, to your pop-up rooms in the event they become damaged (or arrive less-than-perfect). We recommend all backers watch it before playing. PLEASE WATCH:

 Thanks for watching, this will help ensure your pop-ups are 100% ready for your next adventure. 

Catch Dice Tower's awesomely hilarious Shivers play-through!

In case you missed this morning's Dice Tower Winter Spectacular live-stream, here's a link to watch Tom and friends play a Shivers episode! SPOILER ALERT: they will be playing the first episode, titled A1: The Lost Kitten. The Dice Tower crew did a great job playing the episode and managed to solve the mystery in under an hour! Watch the hilarious shenanigans and you can find out such exciting things as Tom's fear of felines and winter bathing habits, whether kittens will eat a banana, how to spell tchotchke, and if a slingshot can kill a skeleton. 

As a shipping update, backers in the USA, Canada, UK, and the EU continue to receive their games throughout this week and next week. Follow us on social media @TheShiversGame to post your favorite Shivers pics!

- The Shivers Team